25 For the Musos

Episode 25 November 14, 2024 00:02:32
25 For the Musos
Hillsong Creative Team Talks
25 For the Musos

Nov 14 2024 | 00:02:32


Show Notes

This episode, specifically for the musicians of Hillsong Church, is with Peter James from the Hills campus in Sydney. Pete has been a key part of Hillsong Church for over 25 years as a staff member and volunteer, and has contributed as a musician to over 40 Hillsong album projects over the years.

1 Samuel 16:23

Created by: Peter James
Produced by: JP Starra
Music by: Michael Harrison & Harry Parnwell
Artwork by: Yoseph Setiawan & Kristin Mateika
Intro by: Shelby Mtsamayi
More resources available at https://hillsongcreative.com

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:09] Speaker A: Welcome to the Creative Team Talks podcast for Hillsong Creative. [00:00:18] Speaker B: Hey guys, Peter James here. [00:00:20] Speaker A: Hope everyone's doing well. I've just got a word for our musicians that I got about three or four weeks ago, actually. I was in a Sunday AM rehearsal just watching the team prepare and I. [00:00:32] Speaker B: Felt God say really strongly to the musicians. Don't underestimate what you bring as a musician. [00:00:39] Speaker A: And I specifically got the scripture 1st. [00:00:43] Speaker B: Samuel 16:23, where it talks about David. [00:00:46] Speaker A: Playing the harp for Saul and the. [00:00:48] Speaker B: Evil spirits would depart from him. And it's interesting in that scripture because it doesn't say anything about him singing scripture or singing all he did in the scripture. It just says he played. [00:01:01] Speaker A: But the anointing on David's life was. [00:01:03] Speaker B: Such that the evil spirits would depart. [00:01:05] Speaker A: From Saul and Saul would feel refreshed. And this is actually when Saul was. [00:01:10] Speaker B: Backsliding and wasn't near God. Even. [00:01:13] Speaker A: So, what David had on his life. [00:01:17] Speaker B: Affected Saul and the evil spirits had to depart. [00:01:22] Speaker A: And on top of that, that was the Old Testament where the Holy Spirit would come on someone and perform miracles, etc. Like he did for David. But even more so in the New Testament when Jesus had died, the Holy. [00:01:37] Speaker B: Spirit now lives in us. [00:01:38] Speaker A: How much more should we expect and have faith that when we play our instruments, regardless of whether we're singing the lyrics or whatever, just praying that the Holy Spirit will minister to our congregation, our team, just by bringing whatever faith we have and just bringing the Holy. [00:01:59] Speaker B: Spirit that we know lives in all. [00:02:00] Speaker A: Of us because of Jesus. So yeah, I just wanted to really encourage you with that. Go away, pray about it, get your own revelation, whatever. But I really felt that that was a specific word to our musicians that God wanted us to hear. So yeah, thanks for listen.

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